
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cholesterol Levels Increase Leads Causes High Blood Pressure

Cholesterol Levels Increase Leads Causes High Blood Pressure

The rise of plaque in the linings leads to clogging of the arteries which narrows their pathways. The reduced elasticity of arteries in addition to their narrowing will lead to a rise in blood pressure as the heart will need to pump blood with a higher force so that it could pass through the arteries that are defective. 

In actual fact the usage of dairy products such as cheese and butter has a similar effect as milk. Many who consume plenty of these dairy products and milk in their diet have a great likelihood of developing clogged blood vessels. If you are obliged to take milk, it should be taken in small quantities and homogenized milk should be avoided when possible.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Causes High Blood Pressure and High Pulse Rate

Causes High Blood Pressure and High Pulse Rate

There are many factors that are a major cause of high blood pressure and success in the control of this requires you to monitor your waist line, pulse rate and at times, your weight loss. Pulse rates are used in determining level high blood pressure and the pulse rates can be taken from any part of the body but the wrist comes highly recommended. Thus, it’s helpful to identify the causes of high blood pressure and high pulse rate easily. One can get a pulse by raising the arm high or placing the elbow on a table and ensuring that the arm is above the hearts level. When you are familiar with the beat interval, you can reduce the minute beat to a ten second beat. Afterwards, multiply the ten second beat by six to get the rate of the pulse per minute.

The cause of high pulse rate has been attributed to certain factors such as peripheral pressure, the supply of blood to the skin and the muscles by veins and arteries and the speed at which blood is pumped out by the heart. Consequently, a low pulse rate means that you have low blood pressure. The normal pulse rate is given at 70 beats each minute.

There are numerous factors that are known to lead to high blood pressure and high pulse rate such as drinking, anxiety, tension, exercise and eating. By being consistent in measuring the pulse rate, you can be able to lower your high blood pressure, if the above factors have been considered. Most of the time, the high pulse rate can be lowered through engaging in an exercise plan, reducing some weight and improving on your diet. Apart from exercise, psychological conditioning or meditation can minimize blood pressure and pulse rate.

It is essential to take pulse rates and measure blood pressure on a daily basis either by a physician or any one else. In many cases, a number of patients get anxious when their blood pressure is being measured by a doctor resulting in an artificial upsurge in blood pressure. Controlling the cause of high blood pressure through monitoring the pulse rates will assist in monitoring the wear and tear that the body is experiencing. To maintain a low pulse rate you should control your weight and avoid intake of foods with high content of cholesterol and sugar. With proper identification of the cause of high pulse pressure, appropriate steps will be taken to minimize the causes and ensure healthy living.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Natural Options for High blood pressure treatment

Natural Options for High blood pressure treatment

Eat more fruits and vegetables -- preferably fresh and organic. Eat more garlic since garlic could lower blood pressure. 
Avoid a high fructose intake which would include drinking more than a few ounces of fruit juice at any one time. A diet high in the sugar fructose raises blood pressure. Eating more whole grains is helpful in lowering high blood pressure. Reduce or avoid white bread and processed grains. The fiber and other nutrients in whole grains also help lower cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as improve blood vessel functioning and reduce inflammation in the circulatory system.
Reduce salt intake, People with hypertension that isn't controlled by multiple medications are likely eating too much salt. People with so-called resistant hypertension have sharp reductions in their blood pressure when they dramatically reduce their salt intake.
If you have overeat and have difficulty controlling your appetite, consider Diet Rx natural diet pill. 
Learn how to Sleep better and deeper. Lack of adequate sleep can cause or contribute to high blood pressure. Reduce alcohol intake. Regular drinking is known to raise blood pressure in some people. Unlike younger men, men in their 50s who drink even moderate amounts of alcohol generally have higher blood pressure than non-drinkers. Among men in their 20s, only heavy drinkers show elevated blood pressure.
Reduce or stop smoking. Smoking constricts blood vessels.
Reduce fat intake, such as meats, lard, bacon, hydrogenated oils -- fats found in fish are good.
Reduce caffeine-intake -- skip that second cup of coffee, substitute caffeine-free herbal drinks, limit herbal teas with caffeine to one or two cups. 
Drink more water.
Drink soy milk and reduce intake of regular milk (see study bottom of page).
Enjoying small amounts of polyphenol-rich dark chocolate daily appears to lower blood pressure.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Supplements for High blood pressure

Supplements for High blood pressure

Fish Oils are useful for thinning the blood and improving circulation and it is now known that those whose diets are high in fish oils have a lower risk for high blood pressure. You can find high quality Fish Oil here.
Antioxidants may be helpful for long term health maintenance of arteries, but not necessarily to lower blood pressure in the short term. Take a natural vitamin E complex, rather than the synthetic dl-tocopherol. 
  • Lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant in daily dosage of 10 to 50 mg or 50 mg once or twice a week. See Alpha-Lipoic supplement for more information 
  • Arjuna is an Ayurvedic herb that has promising effects in blood vessel dilation. See Arjuna herb supplement for more information.
  • Quercetin is known as a very strong blood vessel dilator. Chronic oral quercetin exerts antihypertensive effects in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
  • Genistein helps produce more nitric oxide, a powerful chemical in the blood stream that helps dilate blood vessels. Genistein is available as a supplement. 
  • B vitamin and coenzyme complex — B6, folate, and B12 are crucial for the health of arteries and to lower homocysteine, an amino acid-like compound in the blood stream that can be toxic in high doses.
  • CoQ10 could be helpful in dosages of 20 to 50 mg. 
  • Calcium mineral and Magnesium are helpful in supporting healthy blood pressure. 
  • Hawthorn extract may be helpful, see study below. See Hawthorn supplement to purchase.
  • Ginkgo low dose, not more than 40 mg, in the morning, one option is to break a 40 mg or 60 mg tablet in half or use half a capsule
  • Dark, but not white, chocolate has polyphenols that may lower High blood pressure. Melatonin may lower blood pressure overnight.
  • Drink hibiscus tea to lower high blood pressure.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Milk intake increases cholesterol in blood

Milk intake increases cholesterol in blood

Can Milk Cause High Blood Pressure ?
The undigested fats in the milk have a tendency to enter the blood stream in the form of cholesterol. The cholesterol content in blood reacts with minerals like chlorine, which may be present in your drinking water, and get converted into a gummy byproduct which sticks on to the inner linings of your arteries as plague.

Increase in Cholesterol levels results in High Blood Pressure

The increase of plague along the inner linings would lead to the narrowing of the arteries, it also results in the hardening of the tissues which the arteries are made up of. This reduction in the elasticity and the narrowing of the arteries leads to increase in blood pressure because the heart has to pump blood at a higher pressure to send them through the defective arteries.

In fact the consumption of diary products like butter and cheese have the same result. Most people who take a diet rich in butter and cheese have a tendency to develop clogged arteries which results in high blood pressure and heart attacks. Diary products like cheese and butter are concentrated forms of milk and essentially have the same elements as present in milk.

If you must drink milk, have it in minimum quantities and avoid homogenized milk if possible.
Can milk cause high blood pressure ?

Milk is not completely digested in adults

Milk is not completely digested in adults

Is milk completely digested by the human body? According to modern research in diets, the answer is no. The human body stops secreting Rennin and Lactase at the age of three. These enzymes are essential for the digestion of milk. You need these enzymes when you are a baby and are dependent on mother's milk for survival. For some reason we humans have decided never to wean ourselves off milk unlike other animals

Unfortunately human beings have stuck on with milk even after they become adults. Our digestive systems cannot break down the proteins, calcium, casein and milk sugar present in the milk. So what happens to these components? They enter the blood stream or get stored as toxins in the body.
Can milk cause high blood pressure ?

calcium [ca] and Blood Pressure drugs

calcium [ca] and Blood Pressure drugs
While calcium [ca] can assist a person in keeping their blood pressure decrease, those on blood pressure drugs need to be very careful about eating too much calcium [ca], as calcium [ca] can have a negative interaction with blood pressure drugs.
Thiazide diuretics, including hydrochlorothiazide and indapamide, chlorothiazide are used to treat high blood pressure. Ingesting large amounts of calcium [ca]--generally defined as 1,500 milligrams or more--in food or supplement form while taking a thiazide diuretic can result in milk-alkali syndrome.
Milk alkali syndrome is a dangerous condition caused by excessively high levels of calcium [ca] in the body, causing a shift of the acid-based balance to alklaine.

  • calcium [ca] channel blockers, including verapamil, diltiazem, nifedipine are also prescribed to treat high blood pressure. 
  • calcium [ca] taken intravenously may decrease the effectiveness of these medicines. However, there is no evidence that taking oral calcium [ca] supplements or eating calcium [ca] in food interferes with this medication.
  • calcium [ca] supplements or excessive calcium [ca] intake does not appear to interact with other high blood pressure drugs, but patients should still check with their doctors if they intend to take a calcium [ca] supplement while on hypertension medication.
  • fat-free-milk-with-calcium-vitamin-d.