
Friday, September 25, 2009

Milk intake increases cholesterol in blood

Milk intake increases cholesterol in blood

Can Milk Cause High Blood Pressure ?
The undigested fats in the milk have a tendency to enter the blood stream in the form of cholesterol. The cholesterol content in blood reacts with minerals like chlorine, which may be present in your drinking water, and get converted into a gummy byproduct which sticks on to the inner linings of your arteries as plague.

Increase in Cholesterol levels results in High Blood Pressure

The increase of plague along the inner linings would lead to the narrowing of the arteries, it also results in the hardening of the tissues which the arteries are made up of. This reduction in the elasticity and the narrowing of the arteries leads to increase in blood pressure because the heart has to pump blood at a higher pressure to send them through the defective arteries.

In fact the consumption of diary products like butter and cheese have the same result. Most people who take a diet rich in butter and cheese have a tendency to develop clogged arteries which results in high blood pressure and heart attacks. Diary products like cheese and butter are concentrated forms of milk and essentially have the same elements as present in milk.

If you must drink milk, have it in minimum quantities and avoid homogenized milk if possible.
Can milk cause high blood pressure ?

Milk is not completely digested in adults

Milk is not completely digested in adults

Is milk completely digested by the human body? According to modern research in diets, the answer is no. The human body stops secreting Rennin and Lactase at the age of three. These enzymes are essential for the digestion of milk. You need these enzymes when you are a baby and are dependent on mother's milk for survival. For some reason we humans have decided never to wean ourselves off milk unlike other animals

Unfortunately human beings have stuck on with milk even after they become adults. Our digestive systems cannot break down the proteins, calcium, casein and milk sugar present in the milk. So what happens to these components? They enter the blood stream or get stored as toxins in the body.
Can milk cause high blood pressure ?

calcium [ca] and Blood Pressure drugs

calcium [ca] and Blood Pressure drugs
While calcium [ca] can assist a person in keeping their blood pressure decrease, those on blood pressure drugs need to be very careful about eating too much calcium [ca], as calcium [ca] can have a negative interaction with blood pressure drugs.
Thiazide diuretics, including hydrochlorothiazide and indapamide, chlorothiazide are used to treat high blood pressure. Ingesting large amounts of calcium [ca]--generally defined as 1,500 milligrams or more--in food or supplement form while taking a thiazide diuretic can result in milk-alkali syndrome.
Milk alkali syndrome is a dangerous condition caused by excessively high levels of calcium [ca] in the body, causing a shift of the acid-based balance to alklaine.

  • calcium [ca] channel blockers, including verapamil, diltiazem, nifedipine are also prescribed to treat high blood pressure. 
  • calcium [ca] taken intravenously may decrease the effectiveness of these medicines. However, there is no evidence that taking oral calcium [ca] supplements or eating calcium [ca] in food interferes with this medication.
  • calcium [ca] supplements or excessive calcium [ca] intake does not appear to interact with other high blood pressure drugs, but patients should still check with their doctors if they intend to take a calcium [ca] supplement while on hypertension medication.
  • fat-free-milk-with-calcium-vitamin-d.

Can milk cause high blood pressure

Can milk cause high blood pressure ?

The American Heart Association has reported that female who consume more decrease-fat or fat free milk products, and/or had diets high in calcium [ca], were far less likely to suffer from high blood pressure than female with decrease calcium [ca] levels in their diets. The results demonstrated that female who consumed two or more servings of fat free milk daily reduced their risk of having high blood pressure by 10 percent compared to female who drank fat free milk once a month or less.
Canmilk cause high blood pressure....

Role of calcium [ca] in High Blood Pressure and Hypertension

Role of calcium [ca] in High Blood Pressure and Hypertension

Too much calcium [ca] does not cause high blood pressure, and in fact the opposite may be true and higher amounts of calcium [ca] may result in decrease blood pressure.
According to the American Heart Association, researchers believe that high calcium [ca] intake can reduce hormone and antioxidant levels. Thus, high calcium [ca] intake can actually reduce the amount of calcium [ca] that goes into the blood cells. More fat is metabolized within the cell, and the cells generate less fat- resulting in less stress on the arteries and heart and decreaseer blood pressure.
However, the American Heart Association cautions that Vitamin D works hand in hand with calcium [ca], and appropriate levels of vitamin D are required for the metabolism and absorption of calcium [ca]. Thus, while studies show that higher amounts of calcium [ca] and dairy products result in decrease blood pressure, studies caution that sufficient vitamin D must be a part of the diet as well.

Can milk cause high blood pressure

Can milk cause high blood pressure ??

Pasta would not cause your blood pressure to rise and new research suggests it may not be salt either. But you know how the research pendulum swings so I wouldn't overdo using salt. The research focus now points to calcium [ca] and potassium levels as impacting blood pressure. So I would ask if you drink at least 16 oz of milk per day or the equivalent 2 oz of natural cheese to get enough calcium [ca] ? As long as you don't drink lots of carbonated beverages or eat too much meat (both high sources of phosphorus), your calcium [ca] levels should be normal with an adequate intake of calcium [ca] rich foods.
A recent study, led by Lu Wang, M.D., Ph.D., of Brigham and female's Hospital in Boston and cited by the American Heart Association, showed that those who have a decrease calcium [ca] intake may be at risk for high blood pressure. The Dietary Reference Intake guidelines suggest that adults consume 1,000 mg of calcium [ca] daily. For adults 50 years of age and older, this dosage is raised to 1,200 mg a day.
The link between decrease calcium [ca] and high blood pressure suggests that those consuming 800 mg of calcium [ca] daily have a 23 percent smaller chance of having high blood pressure than persons consuming 400 mg of calcium [ca] or less on a daily basis.
Can Milk Cause High Blood Pressure...
